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A member registered Dec 21, 2021

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Just confirmed it on Android. The yellow-green leafy bush right next to the "Hide" button.

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Bottom center of screen, in the dark green area, very bottom left edge of the green area thereabouts

I assure you she's there, but you'll be mad at the location Only about 3-4 pixels of skin color are shown

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Reading through the script source and looking at what actually happens: If the variable you are checking does not exist at all, both *if s72ca* and *else* do not get selected. Renpy skips the whole section entirely.

This leads to confusion, because you have no idea why Jane is now face down on the couch.

You might want to start setting these event variables in the chapter select, either defaulting to the straight and narrow, or letting you choose.

I do feel there should be at least some heal or mana restore if you win. I did read that you might be attacked, but I actually thought it was 100% chance to get attacked and then you get a full heal after. 

What is the point of resting in the tower game? I was at 250/600 hp, full mana, "rested", and then after winning the 1v3 fight I'm now 75/600 hp with no mana. Clicking the rest button just says "can't rest again".

I got cheated.

On the difficulty select screen there are four yellowish circles in the corner of the menu. Clicking on one of them  will allow you to play Chaos.

A pretty great experience. A minor complaint though: the cleaning bot is very obviously the best vehicle, to the point where picking any other is pretty pointless (except on the completely flat map).

If you get a spin boost on the cleaning bot you can just bunnyhop to keep moving at ~110 km/h while everyone else is stuck doing 60/70.

I looked through the game files to spoil myself after reading this, and at the moment there is not. There is a brief shot of the girls from 'X' years ago when they were normal sized at the beginning of the game, but all other CGs are at the same size post-timeskip.

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These downloads are getting pretty chunky; any chance of adding download links to "add-on" packs that just have the new pictures and the updated script files for the next chapter?

It's been a few months since I played through the game, but there are no direct commands given during the hypnosis at all. The hypnosis scenes are suggestions rather than commands: "Your boobs will grow bigger", "You will be more accepting of same sex relationships", or "You are in love with me".

The effects are not instant, there is no forced-sex hypnosis ("You will fuck me"), and all hypnosis scenes generally last only for 3-4 lines max before the girls (or MC) snap out of it.

Honestly, this story could have the plot device be anything and little would change, though one recurring plot point is the hypnosis effects are unknown to the person being hypnotized.

Two quick bugs to point out:

When performing a grounded dive in partial-sphere mode, your state isn't updated to "not-grounded". This means you can do infinite dives and ascend to the sky, along with single + double jumping out of a dive.

Pausing doesn't pause any of the status bars, and your mood, hunger, health, and inflation potential still change while paused. The visual part of the bars will snap to the updated values once you unpause.

Other than that, very fun as a neat little platformer. It's very interesting having different movement abilities available to you depending on inflation state.